More than a decade after it was originally constructed, Westchase District’s Library Loop Trail will be completed along the north side of the Harris County Flood Control channel between Walnut Bend Lane and Wilcrest Drive. Construction is underway and will be complete early next year.
The trail is being completed thanks to the support and cooperation of the homeowners at Terra Condominiums, who provided the easement needed to finish the trail.
“A lot of Terra residents already use the Library Loop Trail,” said Irma Sanchez, Westchase District’s vice president of projects. “This project will bring the trail to their back door and provide Westchase District’s superior maintenance to the new section of trail.”
Judith Finnell is president of the 144-unit Terra Condominiums, located at 3100 Walnut Bend Lane. “We are all thrilled to have been able to work with Irma on this easement for the trail. My neighbors and I are eager to see the completion of the trail as well as Camden Park. We all feel it will be a tremendous asset to the Westchase District as well as increasing our property values.”
Pedestrian improvements coming
Finishing this section of trail also necessitates a more upscale mid-block crossing at Walnut Bend. “We’ll install another pedestrian crossing, just like the one that connects the southern side of the trail across Walnut Bend,” said Sanchez. “This pedestrian crossing will feature Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) technology and embedded light pucks that will activate when a pedestrian enters the crossing. That makes it much safer for pedestrians and motorists alike, because the technology will alert motorists to the presence of a pedestrian entering the crosswalk.”
Camden bridge

Bridging the channel: This architectural rendering illustrates the bridge that pedestrians will use to access Camden Park from the Library Loop Trail.
One of the more complicated design elements of Camden Park is the bridge that will connect the park across the channel to the Library Loop Trail. “We wanted to have that level of connectivity so that pedestrians and joggers along the Library Loop Trail could easily access Camden Park,” said Sanchez. “It’s similar to the access to Woodchase Park that is enjoyed by pedestrians along the Westpark Trail, but the bridge is a much more intricate design,” added Sanchez.
The bridge will be just one of several ways that guests will access Camden Park, which is located at 2951 Wilcrest Drive. There will be entrances from the parking lot on the north side of the park and on Wilcrest Drive. A mid-block crossing is also being built to connect Camden Park to additional parking access and the HCC Campus Trail, both of which are across Wilcrest.
Mid-block crossing enhances safety and access
While onsite parking is limited at Camden Park, Westchase District has negotiated additional parking at the office buildings located immediately across Wilcrest. Surface parking lots at 3000 Wilcrest, 3100 Wilcrest and 3200 Wilcrest will be available, thanks to agreements with the owners of those office buildings. “We anticipate using the additional parking on nights, weekends and for special events,” said Sanchez. “We want pedestrians to be able to safely cross the street.”
The mid-block crossing is already visible on Wilcrest and a pedestrian-activated signal will be installed. The crossing will be enhanced by landscaping and colorful bollards (similar to those installed on the Elmside/Woodchase Path near Sneed Elementary School). “This will offer further safety protection to pedestrians crossing the street to access Camden Park or to connect to the Library Loop Trail and the HCC Campus Trail,” said Sanchez.
Camden construction on pace
Crews working for general contractor D.L. Meacham are making good progress on Camden Park. They’ve installed all the underground utilities, graded and installed drainage pipe for the parking lot and poured the concrete for the building that will house Ginger Kale, Camden Park’s onsite restaurant. Later this fall, they’ll pour the concrete for the porch building and begin working on the foundation and retaining wall for the pedestrian bridge.
While the hot, dry weather has been tough on the construction crews and Westchase District’s extensive landscaping, it has helped the park’s construction timeline. “It’s too soon to project a completion or opening day for Camden Park, but our schedule has been helped by the lack of rain this summer,” observed Sanchez.